Get your copy of The Ultimate Guide to Making £500/month in your Spare Time

  • Learn the 3 frameworks that could help you make £500/month passively
  • Learn 16 different ways that you can make money in your spare time
  • Find out the startup costs, time needed, income consistency, long-term potential, skill level and potential monthly income of each method
  • Understand all you need to know to decide which ways of making money are for you
  • Step-by-step instructions so you can get started with the right methods for you – today!

Ready to get started? Join 100s of others who've already got their copy

You don’t need to have any type of experience. Download the guide and you can start finding the right ways of making money for you. Straight away.

Hi! We're AffluWise

Hey, we’re Kamahl and Benje, the co-founders of AffluWise. Kamahl is a qualified financial advisor and I (Benje) am a digital marketer. We’ve both always had an interesting in making more money and becoming financially free.

We know the current situation you’re in. Me & Kamahl met years ago in uni and both had the desire to make more money and boost our income, but didn’t know how to or what to do. Together, we tried almost every method of making money out there. Most weren’t worth the time and effort but a few of them were.

Since university, we’ve both done quite well for ourselves and are on the road to financial freedom. But if we had to start from scratch again, we’d do the exact things we outline in the guide. Why? Because you can start with nothing and start making money from day 1.

We look forward to introducing you to the 3 frameworks and the 16 ways you could potentially make money.

Let’s get to work! Get your copy of the guide below.

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Everything you see from AffluWise is purely educational and does not constitute any advice. Everyone’s situations are unique, and care should be taken whenever considering any new financial product or any decision.

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